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Cardio and Vascular Disorders
Heart Disease, including vascular disorders, lead as the cause of death in the US. UBI has been used for 75 years successfully to diminish these serious issues. As stated in the above paper, ultraviolet light therapy improves or influences positively:
These improvements not only can extend life but decrease pain and the consequences of vascular disorders.
Areas Covered
Heart Issues
Peripheral Vascular Disease
Bacterial Infections
There is a lot of information on using complementary/alternative medicine therapies to combat infections. There is the proven IV high vitamin C therapy, herbal formulas like Biocidin®, monolaurin, hyperthermia therapy, colloidal silver, MCTs (coconut oil), the list goes on.
I would contend that there is nothing quite like UBI. Its direct effect on the immune system quells the most stubborn infections. It is not a maybe; it is solidly proven. Read the studies below and then decide. There are about 40 studies from the 1940s right up to 2002 that all tout effective, positive results with infections. Below are just a few:
Areas Covered
Harvard researchers comment on UBI handling Superbugs
We would like to propose that UBI be reconsidered and reinvestigated as a treatment for systemic infections caused by multidrug-resistant Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria in patients who are running out (or who have already run out) of options. Patients at risk of death from sepsis could also be considered as candidates for UBI.”
Viral Studies
As I write this, we are in the middle of the COVID pandemic. In the US, over 300,000 deaths are claimed to be victims of the virus that was released upon the world from China. The frustrating thing is that many physicians in the alternative medical world have voiced that COVID can be handled with many anti-viral tools. These therapies are available and inexpensive. One of those proven therapies is UBI.
Although there are a variety of viral disorders, UBI has been used on most of them successfully. The painful shingles outbreak that may occur in older adults is almost always reduced by one or two treatments.
In a world where viral infections need a cure, it is incomprehensible that politics, government, and pharma shun the many inexpensive and ready alternatives. It does make one a bit cynical when lives are needlessly lost because this proven medical treatment is not “politically correct.”
Areas Covered
Autoimmune Studies
According to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, there are more than 80 known autoimmune diseases affecting around 24 million people in the United States. Many of these conditions are considered chronic and “incurable” by contemporary, conventional medicine.
Often, traditional Western medicine “treats” autoimmune disease by controlling the body’s response with steroids or immunosuppressants. This approach, unfortunately, often just hides the symptoms and does not seek to find and treat the underlying causes of the disease.
UBI has an excellent history of helping these disorders. UBI’s mechanism is one of quieting the immune system when the body is attacking itself in these autoimmune disorders.
Areas Covered
Several years back I developed an autoimmune disease that attacked my nerves and arteries. This resulted in sharp pain throughout my body as it moved through my muscles and joints. After chemotherapy and years of a list of drugs, I still could not get a controllable handle on the pain.
I now have completed 10 UBI treatments and have had considerable reduction in pain. I have been able to reduce my drugs to a minimum amount to prevent a relapse. I have more energy now and thank God for availability of this treatment…”
CEO of a construction entity
OB/GYN – Increase Your Chances for a Healthy Baby
Having a child is one of God’s greatest gifts to man.
For You (God) created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139: 13,14 NIV
And we also know the pain of what is in the fallen world where sickness, disease, and death are a part of life. It would be a great joy to introduce UBI to the OB/GYN community, both to parents and children who may suffer and to the medical establishment. With UBI, more children can be born healthy and safely.
Areas Covered
From one who knows…
Being an OB/GYN physician and
knowing the safety record of the
therapy, I had no fear of using this.
It has been a godsend for a lot of
these women who have complications that are
not easily resolved.” – Dr JB
Pulmonary Includes COPD, Tuberculosis, and Asthma
TB could be put in with bacterial infections, but
its effect on the lungs allows this to also be put in
problems with the pulmonary system.
Areas Covered
From one who knows…
110 Patients did a lot better than controls.
In 1950, Dr. Rebbeck reported similar successes comparing 110 patients who had UBI with 226 patients who did not.
Excessive nausea, vomiting UBI-2.7% Control-33.1%
Excessive abdominal distension UBI-11.8% Control-28.8%
Temperatures above 102 UBI-15.4% Control-32.3%
Mortality UBI-.9% Control-2.2%
Areas Covered
Mental Disorders
It may seem to be a stretch to think that “powering” the blood with light would be beneficial for neurological disorders. Think again. The Russians have been using this therapy for decades in such things as petit mal seizures, schizophrenia, and anything that may block microcirculation to the brain.
More common in the US is electroconvulsive therapy. ECT is also called Electro-shock therapy. It was first used in 1938 by an Italian psychiatrist. This is a go-to therapy for those with major depressive disorder, mania, and catatonia that do not respond to drug treatments. It seems to be effective for about 50% of the people with a treatment-resistant type of disorder.
This therapy does work, but 50% relapse within six months.
UBI and cancer
UBI is an Adjuvant Cancer Therapy
UBI is easy to consider as front-line therapy for many disorders. Many people use UBI as part of a cancer therapy. My contention is that it is not a primary cancer therapy but adjuvant. It can stimulate the immune system. It can cut some inflammation, and it can cause oxygen uptake to increase. These are all good things.
My son had a brain tumor. He died from it in February of 2018 after many long years of varied therapies. It was part of the impetus causing me to have studied ozone and UBI for years. I have talked with scores of physicians and visited their clinics. I have a number of friends that run cancer clinics. Countless hours have been spent reading much of the scientific literature. I have a briefcase full of alternative medicine cancer cure books. It has also been a privilege to teach alongside today’s leading alternative medical experts. I’m sure that every physician would love to be able to say, “I know that UBI will cure your cancer,” and really know that it is true….but
Cancer Cured
Robert came into my office one wintery day to learn more about UBI. His wife had been dying of cancer. A friend told him about the treatment and they both seized upon it as a possible cure. After a series of 20 treatments over a 6-month period, the cancer disappeared. She lives today years later and proclaims the efficacy of UBI for cancer. I know that UBI is an immune modulator. It can help the immune system to do what it is supposed to do. Can UBI cure cancer? Robert says that it does.